All courses of the Academy

Weltfinanzsystem und Nachhaltigkeit

Dr. Dirk Solte

Inhalt:  Die Veranstaltung vermittelt Kenntnisse über die Entstehung und die Probleme des heutigen Weltfinanzsystems und zeigt Alternativen für das System auf. [weiter]

Technik, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit

Prof. Dr. Helmut Horn, Prof. Dr. Stefan Gößling-Reisemann, Matthias Brandt

Inhalt:  Die Veranstaltung gibt eine Einführung in die Nachhaltigkeitsthematik, vermittelt Kenntnisse zu erneuerbaren Energien und vertieft die Thematik der Windenergie. [weiter]

Menschliche Ernährung und Weltbevölkerung

Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Hahlbrock

Inhalt:  Die Veranstaltung „Menschliche Ernährung und ökologische Folgen“ behandelt die Themen Nahrungsproduktion und Konsumverhalten vor dem Hintergrund des rapiden Weltbevölkerungswachstums. [weiter]

Weltbevölkerung und weltweite Migration

Prof. Dr. Rainer Münz, Univ.-Doz. Dr. Albert F. Reiterer

Inhalt:  Die Veranstaltung „Weltbevölkerung und weltweite Migration“ beleuchtet die Thematiken des demographischen Wandels und der Migration aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. [weiter]

Fiktive Erfahrungsräume

Dr. Elisabeth Hollerweger

Inhalt:  Die Veranstaltung untersucht das Potential von fiktiven Erzählungen für die Kompetenzvermittlung von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung anhand von Werken aus Gegenwartsliteratur, Film und Electronic Games. [weiter]

Sustainable Marketing

Prof. Dr. Frank-Martin Belz und Prof. Ken Peattie

Inhalt:  The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. It has a consumer marketing focus, and covers cases from all over the world. [weiter]

World in Transition

Members of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)

Inhalt:  The lectures based on the report “World in Transition – A Global Contract for Sustainability“ are given by members and staff of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). [weiter]

Sustainability and business economics

Lehrende der Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (VHB)

Inhalt:  The German course summarises the stages of development of sustainable economics. In this way it imparts knowledge which can be practically applied. [weiter]

Education for Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan

Inhalt:  This German course focuses on the knowledge transfer and understanding of sustainable thinking and acting. The course also extends to how this sustainable behavior interacts with the complex education-related problems that arise. [weiter]

Civic Ecology

Prof. Dr. Vincente Lopes, University of Texas

Inhalt:  The course deals with the problems and the necessary changes needed for sustainable de-velopment on the basis of systems thinking and the management specifications resulting from this. [weiter]

Transition Management

Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind

Inhalt:  The organization of fundamental changes in politics, culture and practice is carved out in the lectures offered in German language. In this course, the future of large cities along with the change in several industries is also assessed. [weiter]

Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Michael von Hauff, Nicola Seitz, Elena Brosch

Inhalt:  This German course combines the theoretical basics and practical examples to give an overview of the concept of sustainable development and its potential implementation. [weiter]

Climate Protection and Climate Change

Lehrende Bremer Hochschulen

Inhalt:  The basics of climate protection and climate change strategies for politics are analysed. Furthermore, the German course seeks to address the several questions frequently arising in this field by using an interdisciplinary approach. [weiter]

Sustainability and Management

Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ

Inhalt:  This German course enhances the understanding of sustainability in politics and companies. Concrete instruments which are keys to a sustainable resource management are also introduced. [weiter]