The Virtual Academy of Sustainability managed to find important partners next to the initiators of the project, namely the German Federal Foundation for Environment (DBU) and the University of Bremen with the chair for sustainable management and the center for multimedia in teaching (ZMML). A content-based cooperation with the renowned research institute “Wuppertal Institution for Climate, Environment, Energy”, the UNESCO-Chair Higher Education for Sustainable Development and the Scientific Advisory Council of the Federal Government (WBGU) was complemented by the financial support from the “Münchener Rück Stiftung” and the foundation “Forum für Verantwortung” in 2013 as well as the “Stiftung Bremer Wertbörse” in 2014. Since the end of 2016 the Virtual Academy of Sustainability is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Furthermore the Virtual Academy of Sustainability was a partner of the science year 2012 “Future Projekt Earth” and 2014 “The Digital Society”. The magazine “Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften” was obtained as a media partner and the examination software company LPLUS as an eAssessment-partner.

Initiators of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability

dbu Logo neu 2015 60 Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

uni bremen 60 Universität Bremen

RZ gmc logo NM 60 Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ | FB 7 | Nachhaltiges Management

zmml2 60 Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre (ZMML)

Co-working with Scientific Institutes

Leuphana Logo 60 LEUPHANA Universität Lüneburg

WBGU Logo 60 WBGU Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen

wuppertal2 60 Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH

Sponsors of the Vituell Academy of Sustainability

muenchener rueck stiftung 60 Münchener Rück Stiftung – Vom Wissen zum Handeln

 Forum fuer Verantwortung Forum für Verantwortung Stiftung

Logo BWB Stiftung 60 BWB Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse


WJ2014 Logo 60 DIE DIGITALE GESELLSCHAFT, Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 – Eine Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung

Media Partners

Forum nh wirtschaften 60 forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

eAssessment Partner

LPLUS Logo 60 LPLUS – Professionel eExamination Management